Let's unpack the name of this wine first. Carema is a district in the 40-acre appellation of Canavese in northern Piedmont. The main red grape is Nebbiolo. However, the alpine region bordering Valle D'Aosta in the shadows of Mont Blanc yields a wine distinct from Barolo, with much more delicacy, elegance, nuance, and even age-worthiness in some cases. Luigi Ferrando and sons farm 6 acres of Nebbiolo on high-altitude slopes for their premier "White Label" wine, which is steel-fermented and aged in a combination of large and small barrels for up to three years. Etichetta Bianca is an expensive small-production wine, but its seductive flavors of potpourri, spice, dried fruit, and supple tannins are worth the price. If you need a preview, we carry Ferrando's Canavese Rosso for a fraction of the cost.
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